2022 SDNA Nurses Day at the Legislature


Tuesday, February 22, 2022 at 10:30am CT - 5:00pm CT
This event has ended.


Additional Information

Register now for the 47th Annual SDNA Nurses Day at the Legislature (NDL)! Nurses Day at the Legislature provides a valuable opportunity to learn about how legislation and policy come together to affect your career, and how you can take action to affect it all.

Sponsors: South Dakota Organization of Healthcare Organizations; Nurse Practitioner Association of South Dakota

The South Dakota Nurses Association (SDNA) is the professional association representing the nearly 17,000 Registered Nurses across South Dakota. SDNA is involved in the shaping of public health care policy that is consonant with the goals of nurses, the nursing profession and public health. SDNA is a respected authority on legislative and political issues that affect nursing and consumer care.

Nurses have a voice at the Capitol because of the work that SDNA does! It is important that nurses continue to have a presence during the legislative process. Please take time to attend this important event and represent your profession!